04 December, 2012

PHotoshoot: Snow white

Hey all,

I did a photoshoot few days back and here are the pictures. The concept or theme of the photoshoot is Snow White. 
Model : Reliza Shrestha 
Makeup: Sunlii Gurung

14 May, 2012

Yama Buddha - Aamaa

The shoot of "Aama" was done in Kathmandu's Fun Park (Ramailo Mela) for a lively background. Yama Buddha invited everyone who knew the song to be a part of the video since the song is dedicated to every mother's in this world. 

Anyways, it is done. YOu can watch here.

07 February, 2012

Nepal Fashion Blogger's VBlog

So the Nepal Fashion Bloggers approached me and asked me to make a video blog for them. Here is it..

21 January, 2012

70s look photos published

Hey there beatifuls,

So my high school friend is here and she is so pretty. Since we both are here, we wanted to do something productive. Therefore, I came up with a photoshoot theme '70s Bollywood Look'. We did the shoot with sari and location that would look like 70s. Here are some pictures. [note: click on the picture for a larger view]

Also, more pictures on http://www.facebook.com/pages/Junus-Page/228570407158796
